Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Positive Effect of Capital Punishment in Modern America

Ronnie Kuester Dr. Borgmeyer Eng. Comp. II 30 Sept. 2010 The Positive Effect of Capital Punishment in Modern America â€Å"I don’t think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I don’t think that’s right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people’s lives† (Bush). Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics in the American society and is also one of the topics most people feel very emotional about. Everyone feels that their views are correct because there are many pros and cons to either side.Although some people believe the risk of executing the innocent is too great, the use of capital punishment has greatly impacted our society in a positive way because of its deterring effect, economic benefits, and the prevailing of justice. The deterrent effect is definitely one of the biggest benefits to having capital punishment. When people have the knowledge that they could be executed for killing someone else it often turns them away from committing the murder. Tanner from Fort-Worth Star Telegram thinks that the deterrent effect has shown to prevent between three and eighteen murders(Wood 601).Most people in modern America have heard of the death penalty, yet they still commit the crimes that are punishable by death. Since people know about it and still do it, they are basically accepting the sentence, unless they are mentally ill and in which cause do not get sentenced to death. Naci Mocan’s study, from the University of Colorado, suggest that, â€Å"Statistical studies like his are among a dozen papers since 2001 that show capital punishment has deterrent effects†(Wood 602). Abolitionists argue that the deterrent effect is only estimates and are not actually proven to deter murders.However, knowing, through many studies, that three to eighteen innocent people could be saved by executing each convicted killer greatly outweighs the benefits to letting the murderer off the hook. Although, the deterrent effect is the greatest benefit to having capital punishment, the economic problem is also very important. A suggested alternative to the death penalty is life in prison without parole. This upsets many of the taxpayers, as it should. An article in The Economist states, â€Å"the idea of spending public money to feed and clothe murderers for the rest of their lives seemed outrageous†(Economist 605).Is there a difference to sentencing life in prison or executing someone? In the end they die a captive man. It is delaying the inevitable, but not many people see that. It is not very fair giving man his freedoms after he has taken the lives of others. He himself has not respected the life and liberty that all people should have. Once you take away someone’s life yours should be taken in return. That is, only if it is murder in the first degree and the murder was committed intentionally. After being sentenced to life without parole their court dates are not done.Money keeps getting wasted in the courts after the sentencing. Most convicts are still trying to get a reduced sentence or get parole. Convicts going through trials for the death penalty and life in prison often have to wait a very long time, which in the process is spending a lot of the tax payers’ money. Either way, life in prison or the death penalty on average they wait a decade before a decision is made or the execution is carried out. Other than deterring crime and being economically beneficial, capital punishment also allows justice to prevail.Justice seems to always prevail, but in some instances, this is not the case. However, no innocent human has been executed through the use of DNA testing. Only the convicts who commit the worst, most heinous of crimes are even put on death row. Abolitionists see that the government is just killing someone. However, like the quote at the beginning, the government does not have the death penalt y just to seek revenge. That is not what the death penalty is about. It is about justice being served and letting people know that murdering will not be acceptable.The government does not execute people to flaunt its power, Foucault agrees when he states, â€Å"It is ugly to be punishable, there is no glory in punishing†(Foucault 10). It is because of this that America, along with many other nations, has done away with torturing as well. The government does respect points of the abolitionists saying it is not right torturing the convicts or causing extreme pain. They have changed their ways making the execution more humane. In our modern society we do not torture death row inmates anymore.Foucault states that, â€Å"today we are rather inclined to ignore it; perhaps, in its time, it gave rise to too much inflated rhetoric; perhaps it has been attributed too readily and too emphatically to a process of ‘humanization’, thus dispensing with the need for further ana lysis†(Foucault 7). It was thought that torture was a corrective procedure that if they were tortured they would not commit the crime again. However, it is viewed as inhumane to inflict pain on an individual to teach them discipline, especially if they are being put to death anyway. So now we use more humane ways to put people to death that involve little to no pain.Lethal injection is the most modern and safe way to put someone to death. It was first used in 1977 in Oklahoma but took five years before it was used on someone. All of the states except one that have the death penalty use lethal injection. The inmate being executed is bound down and has his heart being monitored. Then, they insert two needles into the veins injecting the inmate with Sodium Thiopental. This is an anesthetic which renders the inmate unconscious. â€Å"Next flows pavulon or Pancuronium Bromide, which paralyzes the entire muscle system and stops the inmate’s preathing. Finally, the flow of po tassium chloride stops the heart.Death results from anesthetic overdoes and respiratory and cardiac arrest while the condemned person is unconscious† (Methods). This technique used does not hurt the inmate, which is one of the reasons abolitionists are upset about the death penalty. As for any other method, they get pretty painful and or messy. Death by electrocution, hanging, and gas chamber are all extremely painful and do not kill the inmate right away. Not only does justice prevail through the government when someone is executed but also people get a religious satisfaction. The Bible specifically states that the death penalty is alright. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man†(Genesis 9:6). The reason why it is believed people should be executed for killing another human being is because we were made in God’s image and destroying or killing that is major offense to God. The Bible also informs its readers that none shall take ransom or money in exchange for the murderer’s life. This is where the justice comes into play. God does not want the government taking money in exchange for someone’s life. In modern day terms it would be equivalent to posting bail or just receiving a fine.That would be unrealistic to do in the case of a murderer being put to death. Abolitionists believe that we should not play God and only those who have not sinned be the ones to judge and â€Å"cast the first stone† so to speak. What most do not realize is that, according to the Bible, God thinks that these murderers should be killed. God is not going to just smite them down. Humans figured out and have interpreted the Bible and it’s meanings when saying these things about the death penalty. Most abolitionists greatest problem with the death penalty is executing the innocent. Executing the innocent is extremely rare.Hundreds of people have been released from death row due to DNA t esting proving their innocence. This does not mean that they were executed. It is excellent that these people were not wrongly executed and it is because of modern technology that it can be appreciated. However, executing those who have been, without a doubt guilty of committing murder in the first degree should be executed. Throughout the use of DNA testing to possibly help the case of either side, there have been zero cases where and innocent human has been executed. Abolitionists keep seeing that the death penalty is still used despite the way they feel.So they begin to say things like, â€Å"Killing a murderer does not bring his victim back to life. It achieves nothing but the death of still another person†(Robinson). As stated at the beginning of this paper, by having the death penalty be legal it deters certain crime, has economic benefits, and it allows justice to be served. No matter what abolitionists are doing, most of their ideas keep getting shot down. There is a reason the majority has always sided with the death penalty, because it just helps out our modern American society.Works Cited Bush, George W. â€Å"Presidential Debate† Washington University Athletic Complex. University of St. Louis. 17 Oct. 2000. Speech. â€Å"Descriptions of Execution Methods. † Deathpenaltyinfor. org. Death Penalty Information Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2010. . Foucault, Michel. â€Å"Chapter 1. † 1979. Discipline and Punishment. Trans. Alan Sheridan. 3-18. Print. King James Version Bible. Genesis 9:6. 2004. Robinson, Bruce A. â€Å"Capital Punishment – the Death Penalty. † ReligiousTolerance. org by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. 04 Aug. 2007. Web. 22 Sept. 2010. . Wood, Nancy V. Perspectives on Argument. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2009. Print. (601-613).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Al Gore Leadership

Between his service as a two-term Vice President and his later and current work as a statesman and respected politician, Al Gore has shown that his style of leadership has the ability to greatly impact America.This essay will examine three areas in which Gore has made his mark on American society.   First, Gore established himself as a leader as a United States Representative and Senator.   Next, Gore further developed his leadership style through his service as Bill Clinton’s Vice President.   Finally, Gore continues to show his lasting impact on America through his continued service as a promoter of the environment and global warming.Al Gore was first elected as a United States Representative from Tennessee in 1976, at the young age of twenty-eight.   With a Harvard degree and military service in his background, plus a father who had also served the state of Tennessee as both a Representative and Senator, it seemed a natural move for Gore to go into his first politic al role at the time he did, even though it meant leaving behind his legal studies.   Gore was re-elected as a Representative for three additional terms in 1978, 1980 and 1982.   (Wikipedia, 2007)During his term, Gore served on the House Intelligence Committee.   While on that Committee, he published a paper in the Congressional Quarterly that proposed an intelligent missile solution to slow the nuclear arms race.   (Rowen, 2000)   Notably, Gore was the first politician whose speech before the House was carried live on C-Span in 1979.   (Wikipedia)   Even early in his political career, Gore had found a way to impact the American people.In 1984, Gore was elected to the United States Senate.   While in the Senate, he sponsored the bill for which his career would be most well known: the Gore Bill, which became the High Performance Computing and Communications Act of 1991.   This noteworthy piece of legislation lead to the widespread use of the Internet in the early 199 0s, as more Americans then were able to access the so-called Information Superhighway.   (Wikipedia, 2007)After an unsuccessful primary bid for the Presidency during the 1988 campaign cycle, Al Gore was chosen by Democratic Presidential Nominee in 1992 to become his running mate.   Gore would become the longest serving Democratic Vice President since the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson.   As Vice President, Al Gore was able to use his leadership skills to impact both the American people and people around the world on nearly a daily basis.   As a staunch advocate against sending aid to Iraq and Saddam Hussein during the 1980s, Gores views became instrumental in early 1990s foreign policy towards the Middle East.One of the first projects Gore worked within after ascending to the Vice Presidency was the creation of the National Performance Review.   The National Performance Review was instrumental in identifying and eliminating governmental waste.The program was also able to ide ntify other instances of governmental misuse of money, and was used as a key tool in the downsizing of the federal government that occurred during the Clinton administration.   (NOAA, 2002)   During his eight years as Vice President, Al Gore also embraced a number of other key issues that continue to impact the American people today.   Among those issues are the environment, NAFTA and free trade, and launching a satellite to provide constant imaging of the earth.   (Wikipedia)During the 2000 election cycle, Al Gore was the frontrunning Democratic candidate from the start of the primary election season.   In a move that was billed by the news media as decidedly strange, Gore chose to distance himself from the ups and downs of the Clinton administration and instead run a campaign entirely on his own merits as a long-serving politician and strong leader.The public’s overall approval of Al Gore was apparent in the 2000 Presidential election, which Gore lost by a narrow margin in a defeat that was not confirmed until weeks later.   Clearly, after more than twenty years in public office, the American people were able to recognize Al Gore as a strong leader.   Although he did not win, the American people continue to look to Al Gore as a leader and purveyor of strong ideas.After the 2000 campaign, Al Gore continues to be a public figure and respected leader.   He has shown that leadership ability in a number of initiatives over the past decade.   Gore has spoken out vocally against President George Bush’s policies in Iraq, and warned, quite perceptively, of the enormous cost that would become a burden to the American people while achieving little overseas.   During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Gore personally chartered several airplanes to airlift nearly three hundred storm victims from Louisiana.   (Wikipedia)   He later publicly criticized the government for its disorganized response to the disaster.Perhaps Gore’s lasting legacy as a leader has been his continuing passion for issues related to the environment.   In a recently produced movie titled The Inconvenient Truth, Gore reveals the work of researchers and the bleak outlook on the affects of Global Warming.   This award-winning documentary is arguably Gore’s most direct impact on the American people, bringing concerns to them in a media accessible to all.From the accomplishments that can be traced during the course of Al Gore’s political career that began in the mid-1970s, it is clear to see that he has exhibited the skills of a strong leader for many decades.   It will be that abiding leadership that will become his legacy and ensure his lasting impact on the American people.ReferencesAl Gore.   Wikipedia.   Retrieved Sept. 27, 2007 from Performance Review. NOAA Satellite and Information Service.   Retrieved Sept. 27,2007 from n, B. (2000). Vice President Al Gore. Infoplease Campaign 2000.   Retrieved Sept. 27,2007 from  

Monday, July 29, 2019

Social Contract Theory by John Rawls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Contract Theory by John Rawls - Essay Example Social contract theory gives a suggestion of a simple first step in assessing the ethical values that human beings can use to build a just society (Freeman 44). In this case, it elaborates that, people should assume that they do not know their race, age, wealth, intelligence, and gender among other things. This paper will seek to explain, evaluate, and describe the important features of the social contract theory and determine its state of argument as well as its plausibility. Most importantly, one of the social contract theory features proposes two ethical principles. The first one puts across that, everybody has a title to a certain equal basic rights, which comprise of personal security, freedom of association, and liberty. The second one state that, even though there may be economic and social inequalities between people, people must base these inequalities on what a person does, not whom he or she is, and there must be an equal opportunity for achievement for everyone. Additiona lly, social contract theory gives an approach based on ethics (51). This approach envisages itself with moral consequences of a person’s actions as opposed to morality of the actions themselves. For a person who cares about the consequences of his or her actions, lying itself is unethical. However, one must use the consequences of lying to evaluate their ethical implications of lying. The argument As described, the two main features of social contract theory include the state of nature describing nature’s original position and the reasons made by occupants supporting their decisions regarding moral principles. In social contract theory, disagreements take place on both fronts of contractors. With that respect, one can develop many descriptions of the original position of nature. Given that, Rawls thought why not allow such people some jealousy and make the original position of nature altruistic. In his claims, Rawls set out that people in the original position fail to take risks (57). Nevertheless, they may trust that some risk taking is reasonable. In their original position, people do not take risks because they are greedy and fearful. Social contract theory rests on a sound argument because of the fact that, when people are in self-sufficient state of nature, they become relatively peaceful. Their problem arises when they cannot characterize which state of nature gives them the best vantage point and/or the best sense of a consent that is philosophically pure. In addition, the second feature of the social contract theory revolves around people’s acceptable principles, which happens to be a genuine problem. Probably, it is possible to define people in the original position as if they would accept a particular set of principles over the others. Implicitly, these people must contain principles in order for this to be the case. Nonetheless, this begs for the question that people want to discover the proper principles of justice. They want t o discover what principles can free, equal, and rationale people can accept. At this point, it is agreeable that, this theory rests on a sound argument due to the setting that, a social contract theory agreement is not actually an agreement. It is however, a philosophically purified agreement that is usually among the hypothetical people (84). It uses the original posi

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Scene in a Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

A Scene in a Film - Essay Example The anatomy of a scene is what comes in to separate the great film into becoming one that is amended in the collective consciousness of a person. Right from the outside looking in, a film comprises of a collection of many scenes that are subject to tie together. Several things help in elevating a film into becoming memorable. These may include having a great concept, a great cast, and a great screenplay. As a film writer, one requires to look at the collective scenes with objectivity and be able to know how he or she would tie it all together, thus be able to turn what may seem to be a loose connection of scenes into becoming a story. A great scene, from an individual view, is one that has the potential of highlighting itself to become the film’s greatest moment, together with having the ability to implement all the movie-making skills. This may entail employing the use of music, camera movements, acting, scripting, among many other defining roles. The key ingredient that defines a great film scene is having a striking and a cinematically beautiful image. In order to look at a movie from a critical perspective, there is a need for learning a little bit of the tools that filmmakers use in creating their products. Compared to the state of studying literature, one would require learning more about the methods of identifying similes, metaphors, and symbols. However, when it comes to studying literature, there is a need for identifying the cinematic techniques and theatrical elements and be able to learn how they may affect the audiences. These cinematic elements may include aspects of framing, angle, and camera movements while taking a shot, together with the sound and editing entailed in a film. The theatrical elements may entail aspects like costumes, props, sets, and the acting choice.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Effects of Acculturation and Assimilation on Second Language Research Paper

The Effects of Acculturation and Assimilation on Second Language Acquisition - Research Paper Example Both social and economic sectors have been affected by the respective transformations. In the social sphere, the education sector is perhaps the most affected. Increasingly, populations are being compelled to develop more integrated methods of transport and communication. Communication is particularly important in the environment because it enhances understanding of the knowledge that is passed across in various institutions. Indeed, it cannot be disputed that effective communication fosters understanding and enhances consumption of the respective information by the students. This is at the core of the primary goals and objectives of education. In essence, effective communication aids in promoting sustainable development in this sector. In the education sector, communication amongst students and teachers promotes the establishment and development of lasting positive relationships. Through these relationships, students are able to understand and appreciated the knowledge that the get and skills that are delivered to them. The teachers or instructors on the other hand have an easy time to pass on important concepts to the students. Effective communication prevents possible conflicts that are likely to emanate stem from incidences of misinformation. As indicated earlier, globalization trends have led to the free movement of students form one region to the other. As a result, it has diversified learning environments with respect to culture and particularly language. Current trends indicate that students go to great lengths to attain quality education. Certainly, this is requisite for effective functioning in the society. The students are compelled to pursue this good by the changing environments in the corporate sphere. Seemingly, successful business entities prefer personnel that are well equipped with respect to knowledge and skills. This enables respective organizations to attain a competitive edge and realize optimal outcomes in their endeavors. Likewise, most businesses always seek to enhance their performance with regard to profit making. One of the most important factors in the current education sphere pertains to language. In order to function executively and realize optimal outcomes in the current diversified learning environments, both students and teachers are being compelled to learn a second language. Usually, their first language includes their native language and is useful in the local learning institutions. When they get to national and international levels, they are always required to acquire knowledge about a second language. This enables them to communicate effectively in their learning environments and understand the information that is passed on to them. In addition, it enables them to address the challenges that they face especially considering that most of them learn from foreign environments. At this point, it is worth appreciating that language is an important cultural component that aids in understanding the ways of life of a certain community. Effective learning only takes place in environments that are peaceful and devoid of unnecessary conflicts. In most instances, conflicts that occur in the learning environments tend to be closely associated with cultural differences. In this respect, it is also worth noting that culture is a very sensitive social aspect that is intrinsic of a people’s behavior and general way of life. Relative conflicts are therefore equally sensitive and the likelihood of these spurring into more complex conflicts is very high. In the learning environment, this is undesirable and can compromise the wellbeing of the entire school fraternity. It is for this reason that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Relationship between social media networks and the concept of home Essay

Relationship between social media networks and the concept of home - Essay Example You must also include any SMN pages that you discuss as part of your essay submission. Introduction Home refers to the region, state or place that an individual properly belongs, as well as where he or she finds refuge, satisfaction and rest (Morley 2000, p. 10). It is not normally fixed in space despite the fact that it can be located somewhere. This is attributed to the fact that one person can grow up in one place and decide to settle in another area to start his own family. In both cases, he can call the place he grew up as him, and at the same time call his new place home. In this regard, home can be said to represent an individual’s organisation of space over a period of time (Moores 2005, p. 18). Other scholars have argued that home goes beyond physical space. In this regard, they imply that home is characterized by rhetorical territory (Cannon 2012, p. 45). That is, peoples’ character is said to be at home when they are at ease with people who surround them or s hare life together. This calls for the capability to be understood by others without difficulties, and following other people’s instructions and reasoning without lengthy explanations. On the other hand, it is said that an individual’s rhetorical identity is considered finished when the people who surrounds him does not understand the explanations he gives for his actions, the enthusiasm displayed or the criticism made (McIntyre, Williams, & McHugh 2006, p. 36). In this scenario, one can be said to have lost touch and is facing ‘un-homely’ situations. Home involves speaking without providing background information (Bachelard 1994, p. 25). Additionally, a lot can be understood from a few words; thus, no footnotes needed when passing out information. Home also gives people a feeling of security, comfort, family, intimacy, comfort and privacy (Nyman 2009, p. 227). Therefore, going home can mean returning to a firm position that one knows, is accustomed to, fe els safe, and his emotional relationships are at extremely intense. From all these we can ascertain that every human being needs to have something that he or she can hold on to and call home (Gay, Redman, & Evans 2000, p. 113). Home is an essential component of human life necessary for an individual to function properly in the society (Chapman & Hockey 1999, p. 58). This is attributed to the fact that home gives people an opportunity to develop, and mold themselves into the people they want to be in life. Therefore, an unstable and poorly managed home can affect an individual’s upbringing and make him an irresponsible person in the society (Spencer & Pahl 2006, p. 35). Home and Social Media Networks Several social media networks are related to the concept of home. Social networking refers to grouping of people into definite groups such as neighborhood subdivision or small rural communities (Boyd & Ellison 2007, p. 230). In as much as social networking can be in conducted in p erson, it is extremely popular online. This is attributed to the fact that there are several people in the internet who are out to gather and share experiences and information, as well as meet new people (Wetherell & Mohanty 2011, p. 120). Websites are commonly used in social networking, and the most commonly used social media websites include; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Friendster, just to mention but a few. In this paper, I would focus on Facebook since it is the most

Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critique - Research Paper Example The use of power or physical force in the description of violence widens its nature and broadens its conventional mastery to include acts that result from intimidation, power relationship and threats. The inclusion of power in the definition also includes acts of omission or neglect, as well acts of commission. Thus, physical force in this definition should be used and understood to cover aspects of sexual, physical, psychological abuse, and neglect as well as acts of abuse and suicide. Violence adverts are often classified into broad categories depending on the target group. Some of the famous classifications include: gender violence, where a fight involves a male and a female party; sexual violence, where either male or female is forced to have sexual advances with either of the parties; domestic violence, where there is a fight at family level involving husband and wife or children (Jones, 1996). This paper hence seeks to criticize violence ads involving the mentioned classificati ons. In this ad, the tiger is at gun point. This shows how people kill the animals without any cause. However, sometimes the killings result from personal defense which is not effectively presented in this ad of wildlife violence. Human beings are depicted as the aggressors. They are often implicated in assigning an violent actions to the wildlife. This is what this ad presents. It shows that the person holding the tiger at gun point is doing so without a proximate cause. Its like that was his main aim. On the other hand, the wildlife violence ad presents tiger as a humble animal without any harm or scare. It is like the tiger was not concerned with the person, and therefore it it’s the person’s fault to shoot a tiger that is innocent and not interested in attacking him at any point. These adverts mostly read â€Å"people kill animals.† Other people have even associated wildlife violence with masculinity in various studies involving popular culture. Other schola rs have suggested in such ads that the substitution of desire with violence has become a predominant aspect of pleasure construction. The adverts also connect aggression with violence against wildlife. It is difficult to find fair wildlife ads without human beings being implicated as the aggressors. Violence is generalized in most ads and indicates that animals are the ones targeted with bane and killing. Ads have been associated with shock due to the claims by some people that products are sold best in saturated markets with shock. Therefore majority of wildlife violence ads are a mere reflection of consumer shock desire. This makes the wildlife activists shocked that the actions in the ads really exist. They also indicate animals to be the ones targeted in the violence ads by human beings, they fails to consider that in most cases, the killing may be out of fear or defense. Hence, the ad seeks sympathy for the tiger from consumers (Kellerman, 2005). In this ad of wildlife violence , the tiger seems to be in its own business in the jungle, but the person is implicated as the perpetrator. The message to human beings in this ad is to â€Å"take an active role to protecting wildlife and creating a good human wildlife relationship without violence.† People are also urged in this ad to observe the need for respect in relationships with the wildlife. The ad effectively presents how the wildlife are targeted by human beings without any cause. In fact the ad appeals emotionally to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

City of Santa Anas Purpose, Vision, Values and Goals Essay

City of Santa Anas Purpose, Vision, Values and Goals - Essay Example Each element of the vision is translated into measurable goals. For example, one element of the visions is â€Å"investment in children† (1). The goals set to realize this vision include ensuring a safe community and being a catalyst for the positive development of young people. It also has a vision of â€Å"appreciation of diversity† (2). This vision can be realized by the formulation of a specific goal which is â€Å"recruit and retain a highly-skilled and diverse workforce† (2). From these examples, it is clear that goals flow from vision. After setting the goals, the implementation process begins. This involves translating the goals into actions or formulating strategies to ensure the goals are achieved. For the organization purpose to be achieved, every department in the organization should work towards a common goal since each department has specific actions to perform that flow from the goals. For example, to â€Å"ensure a safe community† the commu nity development agency is required to â€Å"develop and implement programs to deter and alleviate the effects of illegal behavior† (2). ... However, for these actions to be enacted, the support in terms of funds, equipment, and manpower is needed; thus, the budgetary allocation is crucial. Through the roles assigned, each department in the city is made aware of what is expected if the council is successful in its endeavor. Identification of vision, goals, and actions is vital in strengthening the government’s budgeting process. From the vision, achievable goals are set, and in order to achieve the goals, some actions must be performed. In this case, if the actions are performed as expected, it means the vision, as well as the purpose of the organization, will be achieved. For this to happen, resources in terms of finance, materials and equipment, and manpower with required skills are needed. Where do the resources come from? The government has to provide the resources needed for successful implementation of goals, but it cannot just give out resources without a plan. It has to establish how much is needed in order to achieve each goal and allocate resources accordingly. Some goals which are more important are given more priority than others. Some actions can also enhance the implementation process by these means reducing the need for financial allocation. For example, by employing a highly skilled diverse workforce continuously, there is a possibility to ensure improved systems and high-quality services to customers and to develop the required programs. Thus, it is crucial for the government to have vision and objectives, so as to allocate resources efficiently for the overall success of government services and economic growth.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cloud Computing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Cloud Computing - Research Paper Example Cloud computing can involve the use of web applications, mobile applications, data centers and other virtual services. This form of online computing emerged around the year 1960 with the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Network (Mohamed, 2009). Today, cloud computing is being adopted in major businesses and organizations as a way of increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs. Cloud computing has three main models of application. The first model, Software as a Service (SaaS), entails the use of software applications provided by a SaaS provider (Sridhar, 2009). In this model, a client obtains access to the software applications through the use of a web browser. Another model is Platform as a Service  (PaaS). This involves the provision of a platform on which the client can create and deploy their own applications. The last approach is Infrastructure as a Service  (IaaS). In this model, the client is only provided with the physical computing resources and they create their own platform and applications. Businesses and organizations can benefit from cloud computing in several ways. Use of cloud computing services translates to reduced operational costs, since hardware or software resources or both are acquired by the service provider depending on the cloud computing model in use. In addition to this, other services such as backup and recovery plans, security implementations and hardware maintenance routines are taken care of by the service provider. A business that relies on a cloud computing approach therefore saves on the time and funds that would have been used in the accomplishment of these services. Security is a major concern in cloud computing. Cloud computing is vulnerable to malware injection attacks in which a hacker creates a malicious service implementation module or virtual system instance and tricks the cloud system into trusting it as a genuine module (Jensen, 2009). Denial of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Digital Technology in the Film Avatar Assignment

Digital Technology in the Film Avatar - Assignment Example The creatures of Na’vi were not only virtually designed but the whole Pandora, landscape, flora, and fauna add to the believability of the world (Valk & Arnold, 2013). In 2010 the movie was selected for eight British Academy Film Awards and won the BAFTA prize for Best Production design and unique visual outcome. Stereopsis is an optical illusion where our brain sent our eyes the signal to visualize a two-dimensional object as a three-dimensional object. This optical illusion has been used as a trick in the 3D film Avatar. The film has used high tech active glasses side by side liquid crystal display (LCD’s) in place of lenses. The two LCD’s opened and closed alternatively and synchronized with the images on the screen via radio transmitters in the theatre thereby inducing the brain of the viewer to form a three-dimensional illusion. Except for few sequences, there was no camera used in the studio where Avatar was made. The actor’s movement was recorded by motion capture which suited their body movements and facial expressions. James Cameron integrated the digital image of the characters with a 3D image of the virtual environment of Pandora generated in real time so that he could see the 3D world as he directed the movements of the actors and could remake a scene if he di d not like it (Straubhaaar,2013). Visual effects can be described as animation done in support of â€Å"live action plates† and it is primarily about surroundings and noncharacter dynamics. Avatar takes this idea further. The technology of visual effects makes us believe that fantasy places like that of Na’vi’s Pandora as depicted in Avatar exists in reality. From the beautiful landscape of Pandora to the rich regal blue skin of native, to the techniques used in battle scenes, Avatar was a medium for visual pleasure. Visual imageries have played a significant role in the film. There was a visual similarity between the â€Å"cryo-pod† from which Jake, the protagonist emerges and the casket in which his brother’s body was cremated depicts the connection between them. Avatar has employed racial stereotypes about race and identity and offered strong female characterization. The critical reception of Avatar holds both awe and disappointment because alth ough the film employs 3-D digital performance capture it has been caught hold by old-fashioned storyline (Grabiner, 2012). Thomas Schatz noted that commercialization of film texts coincides with the shift from character to the plot. The danger as per him is that the films are continuously depoliticized as noted in the film Avatar where colonialist and imperialist subtext has been negated by the focus on spectacle, action and special effects. The film’s narrative plays a secondary role and the complex characterization is replaced by spectacularisation of narrative (Valk & Arnold).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Feasibility Study Essay Example for Free

Feasibility Study Essay 2.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal is put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major requirements for the system is essential. Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY SOCIAL FEASIBILITY ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will have on the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the developed system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used are freely available. Only the customized products had to be purchased. TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed system must have a modest requirement, as only minimal or null changes are required for implementing this system. SOCIAL FEASIBILITY The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user. This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must not feel threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of acceptance by the users solely depends on the methods that are employed to educate the user about the system and to make him familiar with it. His level of confidence must be raised so that he is also able to make some constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as he is the final user of the system.

Persuasion Essay Example for Free

Persuasion Essay The criticism of His criticism In Jane Austens novel Persuasion. diction and subversive tone depict Austens disdain and disapproval towards the society. Sir Walter Elliot informs Anne and Mr. Shepherd about his irritation toward people who strive to rise above the society. He mentions how naval officer is a profession that transits man with obscure birth into undue distinction (Austen 14), and expresses his disgust towards the officers growing old in appearance sooner than any other man. Sir Walter declared, l was in company with two men Admiral Baldwin, the most deplorable looking personage you can imagine I never saw quite so wretched an example of what a seafaring life can do (Austen 14). Austen Implies the superficial nobllltles like Sir Walter Elliot who insist trivial matters such as appearance supplant other elements of a man. The diction includes deplorable and wretched, which illustrate Jane Austens perspective toward the members of upper class. She uses Sir Walters absurd contempt for the sailors to portray her contempt for the materialistic nobilities. hen Admiral Baldwin Is the example of a seafaring life can do, Austen portrays Sir Walter as one, too (Austen 14). She sets Sir Walter as the example of what an overindulged life can do to people; they do not understand the torment of toil and labor of the mind as they possess the authority and wealth (Austen 14). Therefore, Sir Walter Elliots negative diatribe on the navy conveys Intentions and feelings of Austen towards the peerage. As Sir Walter continues on his anecdote to denunciate the social workers whom do not adhere to what he values, he asserts, They are all nocked about, and exposed to every climate, and every weather, till they are not fit to be seem It Is a pity they are not knocked on the head once (Austen 14). Sir Walter who is on a highly acknowledged position would rather Judge an individual effortlessly through ones physical appearance than recognizing their true worth. Jane Austen has included irony to reveal her opinion to the Judgmental aristocrats; she gives pity to the society where the foolish upper class men obstinately relate peoples quality with ones appearance. While the workers were exposed to every climate and every weather, the prestigious aristocrats peacefully remained indoors with their luxurious benefits. Austen deprecates the society consisted of immoral nobilities; she believes the peerage Is a pity not knocked on the head once. She holds the opinion that the hollow nobility are not fit to be seen. In response to Sir Walters diatribe, Mrs. Clay begins off her return with a mild explanation of each profession and their loss of personableness on looks as they get devoted to the profession. It Is only the lot of those who are not obliged to follow any, who can live In a regular way o hold the blessings of health and a good appearance to the utmost: I know no other set of men but what lose something of their personableness when they cease to be quite young (Austen 15). Austen expresses her disagreement with Sir Walters shallow judgments through Mrs. Clays clarification on the relationship between toll and mans look In regard of natural effect of time. This strengthens Austens tone of disgust towards the wretched upper class; her attitude oward the members of the aristocracy is revealed through Mrs. Clays subtle to rise above their status by praising the nobility; Mrs. Clay attempts to place herself with the level of Sir Walter. Another ironic tone of Austen is depicted as Mrs. Clay mentions a life of living in a regular way. This is ironic due to a well known fact that the nobilities of high society live in an distinguished way compared to the people in middle classed society. Austen stresses on the essence of appearance for the peerage to signify her chastising tone of the society where pride and self-admiration re the prominent traits of the nobility. The prejudiced society where only the rank and superficial appearance signifies ones reputation and quality was well illustrated in the story of Persuasion to emphasize the insincerity of ignorant and shallow- minded aristocrats. Until the society today, people cannot escape illogical Judgments only based on the appearance or the social status of a person. Bibliography Austen, Jane. Persuasion. 2nd ed. Ed. Patricia Meyer Spacks. New York: W. W. W. Norton Company, New York, 2013. 14-15. Print.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Operations Management In Hotel Equatorial Tourism Essay

The Operations Management In Hotel Equatorial Tourism Essay Operations management is a part of business concerned about the production of goods and services, and involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little resource as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs, in the forms of materials, labor and energy into outputs, in the form of goods and services. Traditionally, operation refers to the production of goods and services separately, although the distinction between these two main types of operations is increasingly difficult to make as manufacturers tend to merge product and service offerings. Jobs in services are often less structured than in manufacturing. Customer contact is generally much higher in services compared to manufacturing. In many services, worker skill levels are low compared to those of manufacturing employees. Services are adding many new workers in low-skill, entry-level positions. Employee turnover is high in services, especially in low-skill jobs. Input variability tends to be higher in many service environments than in manufacturing. Service performance can be adversely affected by many factors outside of managers control, such as employee and customer attitudes. Operations managers are concerned with each step in providing a service or product. They determine what equipment, labor, tools, facilities, materials, energy, and information should go into an operating system and how these inputs can best be obtained and used to satisfy the requirements of the market place. Managers are also responsible for critical activities such as quality management and control, capacity planning, materials management, purchasing, and scheduling. Operations management is getting important dramatically in recent years. Significant foreign competition, shorter product and service life-cycles, better-educated and quality-conscious consumers, and the capabilities of new technology have placed increasing pressures on the operations function to improve productivity while providing a broader array of high-quality products and services. With the globalization of markets, firms are recognizing that the operations function can be used to strengthen their position in the market place. Managers in operations management play a strategic and tactical role in satisfying customer needs and making their firms strong international competitors. Hotel Equatorial In this assignment, we will discuss about the operations management in Hotel Equatorial. Hotel Equatorial Corporate has a presence in three major Asia Pacific countries with seven properties in the group, located in the regions gateway cities. These three countries are Malaysia, China and Vietnam. Those Hotel Equatorial in Malaysia are located at Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Malacca, Penang and Cameron Highlands. However, we only focus on the operation management of Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur. Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur is located at Jalan Sultan Ismail. It is an international business-class hotel that emphasises efficiency, comfort, security and value for money, the Equatorial Kuala Lumpur also delivers genuine Malaysian warmth and hospitality. Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur is highly-regarded for its excellent food and beverage services. The 5-star Equatorial Kuala Lumpur is located in the heart of the citys commercial and entertainment district thats within walking distance to major offices, shopping malls, the Petronas Twin Towers or Suria KLCC and entertainment centers. There are total of 300 rooms inside Hotel Equatorial. All of them are equipped with modern amenities. The rooms are pleasantly appointed with details that will make guests feel at home. There are splendid suites that can provide customers ultimate privacy. Beside that customer also can have a choice of Presidential, Senator or Executive Suites to rises a level higher. There is also swimming pool inside Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur. Beside that facilities and services for guest convenience at Hotel Equatorial also include business center with meeting rooms and broadband Internet access, 24-hour room service, laundry and valet service, limousine service, currency exchange, doctor on-call, shopping arcade and basement parking. The Equatorial Kuala Lumpur is also renowned in the city for its award-winning restaurants such as the signature Golden Phoenix Chinese and Kampachi Japanese restaurants. The various food and beverage outlets found here are among Kuala Lumpurs most popular places for corporate or personal entertainment. Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur also provides professional conference facilities with the attentive backing of trained staff that attend to your individual meeting requirements. There are ballroom, function room and business center inside this hotel. Literature Review The hospitality industry today has been recognized as a global industry. Indeed, it has played a vital role in Malaysia in recent years in terms of the hospitality industry itself; to develop a better diversity environment and society, and even contributes to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Malaysia. There are several types of hotel that have been recognized all around the world, such as budget hotels, apartment hotels, luxury hotels, resorts, and etc. There are other classifications of hotels; however, most of them will fall into one of these or a combination of these. Hospitality usually refers to the hotel industry; it is consider as a service by combining the accommodations, food and beverages services, recreation, entertainment sectors and even for the business purposes. Apart from that, hospitality is actually playing the relationship between a host and a guest by the acting and being hospitable to the public. Hepple, Kipps and Thomson (1990) reviewed the existing literature f or definitions of hospitality, and identified four characteristics of hospitality in its modern sense: (a) It is conferred by a host on a guest who is away from home. (b) It is interactive, involving the coming together of a provider and receiver. (c) It is comprised of a blend of tangible and intangible factors. (d) The host provides for the guests security, psychological and physiological comfort. As a staff in hotel, they have to ensure that they are providing the best service with a good attitude to customers; it will be one of the main challenges facing by hospitality management in order to attract the attention of tourists in this competitive market. In 2006, Chang demonstrates that attitude of employees is correlated with front-line employees overall performance quality in international tourist hotels. According to Chen (1999), employee training must encompass cognitive, affective, and behavioural preparation in order for staff members to effectively address diverse customer needs. Researcher has asserts that employees must be inspired to provide service that exceeds guests expectations (Mayo, 1997). Since a customers satisfaction is influenced by the availability of customer services, the provision of quality customer service has become a major concern of all business (Berry and Parasuraman, 1991). Services provided play an important role in hotel industry while welcoming tourists who come from different places with different requirement might take place. Service quality is so intangible that objective measurement is impossible; the challenge lies mostly in managing appearances and perceptions (Harvey, 1998). Gronroos (1984) found that the perceived quality of a service is affected by the experience that the consumer went through for a service. Among the studies that have examined the relationship between perceived service quality and consumption emotions, Wong (2004) found that service quality in retail services was positively associated with emotional satisfaction. As Bei and Chiao (2001) demonstrate, it was noted that it is generally accepted that a positive relationship exists between perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. Arnauld et al., (2002b, p.327) defined perceived quality whether in reference to a product or service as the consumers evaluative judgment about an entitys overall excellence or superiority in providing desired benefits Growth in the number of tourists leads to higher hotel occupancy rates, rapid hotel development (Wan Yim King Penny, 2007), whereas, consumers will concern about the facilities that provide by hotel. For example, there is an increasing complexity of modern technology, buildings and systems, rising employee expectations regarding the quality of working life and conditions, mounting customer demand for value-added services, and increasing governmental legislation to ensure health and safety as well as a growing pressure for reducing operational costs and improving competitiveness (Alexander, 1996). These changes create new challenges and responsibilities for hotel industry in managing the workplace. According to Ahmed Hassanien and Erwin Losekoot (2002) declared that most of the owners and operators of luxury hotels understood the importance of facilities that should be provided in hotel in order to meet consumers expectations and competition pressures, yet, that appears the problem in strategy planning with regard to facilities management in hospitality. Due to managing facilities well, therefore, it can helps to improve a hotels efficiency and adds value to their performance and services (Okoroh et al., 2002, p. 239). The number of customers will increase because of the good environment that have provided in the hotel. Apart from that, many hotels are having difficulty increasing their market share because of rising international competition, slower growth rates, decreased population growth, and oversupplied and mature markets. Therefore, brand loyalty is very important to hotel industry. According to Reichheld and Sasser (1990), every 5% increasing in customer loyalty can increase the profitability from 25 % to 85%. To maintain customer relationship is one of the vital parts that a hotel wants to survive in hotel industry. Loyal customers are best for hospitality firms because they are easier to serve than non-loyal customers, and they provide higher profitability (Mustafa Tepeci, 1999). Hotels will increase sales and their market shares by decreasing prices, expanding their distribution channels, launching promotional campaigns, and retaining their current customers (Cravens, 1994) to compete with other competitors. In conclusion, as customers satisfaction is widely accepted, the market share of hotel industry will increase. However, low customer demand, lack of hotel managerial knowledge will affect the operation in the hotel. As hospitality firms also face strong competitor environment, therefore, managers may perceive strong customer relationships. It is worth noting, though, that as markets become more competitive firms may have to become more market-oriented simply to survive. With the globalization of the hospitality industry and rapid changes in technology, market turbulence is likely to increase. In the longer term, as hospitality firms become more market-oriented and customer-focused, they are likely to reap other benefits including improved brand awareness, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Operation Strategies Operation strategies means companies and organization making products or delivering services, be it for profit or not for profit relies on a handful of processes to get their products manufactured properly and delivered on time. Each of the process acts as an operation for the company. To the company this is essential. That is why managers find operations management more appealing. Therefore, Hotel Equatorial has their own unique operation strategies in operate their business. Advertising and Promotion Hotel Equatorial have a marketing team whereby they understand the hotel very well from the hotel mission, vision, goal to the products or services offer to the customers. Therefore, marketers or would able to explain well and with confident to the customers. Thus, it would able to attract customers as customers will feel more confident with the hotel services. When customers feel comfortable and confident with their services, they will continue come to hotel for next time tourism or trip and recommend it to their family and friends. Indirectly, Equatorial Hotel have free promotion from their customers to their family and friends as word-of-mouth are more useful and convincing other than promote by their marketers regarding their hotel services to the customers. Quick Respond Other than marketing team Equatorial Hotel have customers service team whereby they will answer all the customers enquires and complains regarding hotel services. The team will respond to the customers enquiries as fast as possible as it shows how efficient the hotels and it shows that our hotels appreciates the customers. They will also accept customers opinion because they know that the reason why customers give the hotel their opinion is because the hotel services and facilities provide by their hotel or some problem they face when they stay at our hotel. It is one of the ways to bring in or improve and update the hotel services to customer. Besides, quick respond to customer is one of the competitive advantages to Equatorial Hotel compare to other same industry competitor. Customer wants and needs Customers are hotel main priority. There are various ways for us to identify customers need and want such as through survey or research. Hotel Equatorial will be able to attract more customers to the hotel when their trip or other purpose when hotel understand their wants and needs. Thus, it is important for them to understand and identify customers need and wants. Hotel Quality Quality may refer to material, facilities, and customer service delivery. In Hotel Equatorial services, quality refers to the service that they offered to the customers. Standard of quality service will be stated clearly and will be well informed to all the employees from manager, marketing team to customer services team. The main purpose is to make sure the customers are satisfied with the service provided and the quality of the hotel services. Besides, Equatorial Hotel will provided training to the employees in order to make sure that the level of service is up-to-standard and keep the employee update and make sure customer satisfied with their hotel services. Management level There will be a hierarchy in all the work place and so do Equatorial Hotel services. It will be divided into Presidents which is the largest shareholder followed by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Going down would be the manager and assistant manager followed by the employees. Managers and worker which in this case will refer to the manager or supervisors are the one who deal with customers. Competent among the workers and motivation from the managers would able to increase the level of services offered. The employees would do their best as they want to be the most outstanding employees. Supply Chain Management There are various departments in Hotel Equatorial services. In order to be cost-effective, the company will have internal phone calls whereby the employees may used it for working purposes and internal extranet where they employees and the managers may contact each other through webcam or mail. Furthermore, internal phones and internet able to help the company save cost besides times. Forecasting Forecasting is the process of estimation about the future value of a variable of interest which actual outcome has not yet been know or observed. A forecast process is usually carried out in order to make a decision or planning the future of a company. Forecasting can let the company modify the behavior or strategy to be in a better position if they able to forecast the future of company. Forecasting is important and cannot be neglected in all industries. Thus, hotel industry is also not an exception. The hotel industry is sensitive to fluctuations in demand because of the structure of business. Forecasting in demand has become an important mission in hotel industry because of its nature of business and business characteristics. The crises of a hotel is always appear because of the unexpected in demand reducing. It is needed to predict demand in a hotel to increase occupancy rate not only because of fluctuations that will appear. Forecasting is important to the hotel industry to predict the customer demand in a period, the length of staying and hotel room demand over time. There is a need to know the qualitative and quantitative aspects of demand due to group customers because forecasting in a hotel has a different for group customers and individuals. The accuracy of a forecast will be higher as the hotel always repeats the forecasts during a month. The data that can used to forecast are when the room was consumed and when the reservations was made. The reservation of room and consumption of room can provide extra information for the hotel manager to update the forecast. If fail to do so, the manager only can rely on historical information on the room booked and daily number of guests. Weighted Moving Average There are many methods of forecasting in hotel industry. One of the forecasting methods is weighted moving average. This method is quite frequently used in hotel forecasting. Weighted moving average model is a time-series forecast. It is usually popular for a short term time series forecasting. Weighted moving average is a forecast method that the value for a given time period is replaced by the weighted mean of that value and the values for some number of preceding time periods based on an artificially constructed time series. The formula for weighted moving average is below: Weighted moving average method is able to clear up peaks and troughs in the observations. Moreover, weighed moving average can get a content result than other forecasting methods when the time series to be forecasted encompass trend. Thus, the hotel manager might obtain a better forecast result when there is a trend. It is very suitable to use weighted moving average in a forecast when the data indicates a cyclical pattern around constant trend. It tends to closer to the trend. The more accurate result can get to forecast the customer demand. It is reliable to use to predict few periods in the future. On the other hand, weighted moving average is less weight to the older data and prefers to weight the recent data. The hotel manager should emphasize more information of customer demand on recent period so that the forecasting can proceed smoothly. Weighted moving average method is more susceptible than other methods such as simple moving average because of it is emphasize on recent data. Rely heavily on recent data also allow weighted moving average to provide stronger and earlier signs to trend direction and reversal. Hence, it will manage to response more quickly to changes. The hotel manager needs to change the weighted factors as the time series pattern is changed. The weighting factors are the key in weighted moving average methods and the accuracy of forecast is relying largely on it. Weights are distributed to the previous periods in the weighted moving average. It is important to note that the sum of the weights must be equal to one and it is weights heavily on recent period . Weighted moving average can provide a better volatility in a forecast and it will able to increase the contribution and effect from recent data. Reason of Weighted Moving Average not suitable to forecast customer demand The weighted moving average is not suitable to use to forecast the customer demand because this method does not come out with an actual equation. Hence, this method is not very useful as a medium-long range forecasting tool to predict the customer demand. It is only credible to use to predict a few periods into the future. Weighted moving average method also has a more complicated calculation at each step of the procedure which may lead to intricate to manager in a forecast process. Moreover, it will always appear to lag behind either increases or decrease in the observed value or data since the forecast value for a period is a weighted average of the previous periods. It might cause the hotel manager unable to obtain the forecast result on time. The other reasons that weighted moving average are not suitable to predict customer demand is this method is not adaptive. Thus, it might affect the accuracy of the result. Improper selection of the weights will also have an effect on the re sult of customer demands with errors. The weighted moving average is difficult to construct. Hence, it is time-consuming for a manager to adopt it in forecast customer demand. In addition, weighted moving average is more suitable in short term time series forecasting. The result is unreliable if forecast in a long time horizon. NaÃÆ'Â ¯ve Forecast However, there is still a forecast method which is more suitable to predict the customer demand in a period, the length of staying and hotel room demand over time. NaÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecast is a techniques used to forecast future trends, for example the demand for a product. The result of naive forecast for a time period is equal to the previous time periods value. It is a simplest forecast method and use single previous value of a time series as the basis for a forecast. According to Fred Tolbert (2002), a simple forecasting techniques work better than complex ones. Typical naÃÆ'Â ¯ve models include the moving average, which forecast equals average of last year actual demand and the random walk, which forecast equals last weeks actual demand. Seasonal naÃÆ'Â ¯ve can be used with seasonal data and postulates that the next periods value is equal to the value of the same period in the previous month. The MAPE achieved by a naÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecasting method depends entirely on the volatil ity of the demand pattern it is applied to. Smooth patterns will have a lower MAPE than seasonal and erratic patterns. Performance of the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecast establishes the level of accuracy that is reasonable to expect for a given demand pattern. The naÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecast method is suitable to use to forecast the customer demand because this method does come out with an actual equation. It is an easiest method compare with weighted moving average method. NaÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecast do not involve any complicated calculation and make the managers work easier. Furthermore it consumes low cost and it is cost effective. It is best in short run forecasting. In conclusion, Equatorial Hotel should use naÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecast method to predict the customer demand in a period, the length of staying and hotel room demand over time, because naÃÆ'Â ¯ve approach is reliable, result is more accurate, simple to use and cost effective. Quality Matters Total Quality Management (TQM) is systematic management approaches that originated in the 1950s and has steadily become more popular since the early 1980s. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a structured quality method to organizational management that management philosophy seeks to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. It is apparent that organizations need to use a TQM process and the critical success factors if they are to attain business quality (Zairi 2002). Hence, Total Quality Management can be used by several type of organization, it originated from the manufacturing sector and now it has been adapted for much organization such as schools, highway maintenance, and hotel management. Nowadays there is a focus of e-business, therefore as for hotel management, the online booking system through their website or check-in and check-out systems be done, Total Quality Management will be based on quality management from the customers point of view. From Hotel Equatorials website, it is apparent to see how the hotel presents the idea of quality, value, and comfort. It presence in three major Asia Pasific countries with seven properties in the group, located in the regions gateway cities, offering the quality accommodation and excellence in food and beverage services. In Hotel Equatorial, the website provides the category of leaving feedback and enquiries purpose. At Hotel Equatorial, customer feedback is very important, positive or otherwise, they willing to hear from customers about the experience of stay or any suggestion given to the hotel for improvement. Hotel Equatorial appreciated the comments from customers and will respond to the particular customer within 24 hou rs. Moreover, it is also with quality reports tracks that Loyal Guest Recognition Programme is available in Hotel Equatorial and guest preference reports are recorded in database. The key components of TQM include persistent enhancement, teamwork, quality being everybodys business, doing it right the first time, training, internal customer care and etc. Hotel Equatorial has actually put in effort to achieve industry-best clean room appearance. Also Equatorial Hotel Penang become known for comfort, value and the friendly attention of a welcoming staff that cares as the hotel staff is responsive and help out with your needs. Combining the flexibility and space options with the hotels unique ambiance and suitable location, have made the hotel a top choice for businessmen and conference organizers. Total Quality Management process included four sequential categories which are plan, do, study and act, which is also called as PDSA cycle. In the planning phase, management define the problem to be addressed, collect relevant data, analyze the data and decide upon a measurement to gauge its effectiveness. In the doing phase, management develop and implement solution, document any changes made, and collect data for analysis. In studying phase, management confirm their results through comparison of before-and-after data while in acting phase, if the results are successful, new method will be standardized and relevant personnel will be communicated, training will also be implemented for the new method. If the results turn out unsuccessful, the plan will be revised and the process will be repeated. Summary Growth in the number of tourists leads hotel occupancy rates increasing. Due to the rapid development of hospitality industry, it has been recognized as a global industry. To maintain good reputation of the hotel, management should to ensure that they are providing the best service with a good attitude to customers. Since a customers satisfaction is influenced by the availability of customer services, the provision of quality customer service has become a major concern of all business. In addition, consumers will concern about the facilities that provide by hotel. It can help to improve a hotels efficiency and adds value to their performance and services with good facilities. As hospitality firms also face strong competitor environment, it is essential to maintain a good relationship with customers. This is one of the vital parts that a hotel wants to survive in hospitality industry. Hotel Equatorial has their own operation strategy in operate their business in services industry. Equ atorial hotel has a well operation management to operate in a well condition. Hotel Equatorial also has their own well strategies in marketing and promotion and response to the customer wants and needs. Besides that, a well hotel quality let the Hotel Equatorial become more productive and profitable the services business. Equatorial Hotel should use naÃÆ'Â ¯ve forecast method to predict the customer demand in a period, the length of staying and hotel room demand over time, because naÃÆ'Â ¯ve approach is reliable, result is more accurate, simple to use and cost effective. Nowadays for hotel management, there is website available for online booking system or check-in and check-out systems to be done; therefore the present of Total Quality Management will be based on quality management from the customers point of view. From Hotel Equatorials website, it is apparent to see how the hotel presents the idea of quality, value, and comfort in offering the quality accommodation and excell ence in food and beverage services. Through Hotel Equatorials website, the category of leaving feedback and enquiries purpose are available as customer feedback is very important, positive or otherwise, they willing to hear from customers about the experience of stay or any suggestion given to the hotel for quality improvement. The key components of TQM include persistent enhancement, teamwork, quality being everybodys business, doing it right the first time, training, internal customer care and etc. Combining the flexibility and continuous improvement of hotels quality, Hotel Equatorial have made the hotel a top choice for businessmen and conference organizers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Shamanism :: Spirit Spiritualism Korea Korean Essays

Shamanism A Shaman is a member of a tribal society who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events. Shamanism is the oldest folk belief of the Korean people in which every natural object in the world has a soul. In order to connect with the power of the supernatural the Shaman is taken over by a spirit by liberating their mind from natural limitation. This process is achieved through the use of drugs such as tobacco or soma, spinning or dancing, drumming, or singing of deep tones (Haines Brown). Early Shamanistic clans mainly served two different purposes, to invoke supernatural spirits and to carry out priestly and military leadership functions. â€Å"Korean Shamanism regarded three gods with special reverence and importance: the Mountain God, Sanshin (who is usually depicted as an old man with a tiger at his feet), the Toksong, or recluse, and Ch'ilsong (the god of the seven stars, the Big Dipper)† (Buddhapia). These roles began to branch out early in the second millennium B.C. Some of these clans began branching out into confederations headed by Shaman kings early in the first millennium A.D. As more and more religions began to arise such as Buddhism and Tonghak, many Koreans continued practicing the traditional ways of Shamanism. More recently one of the emphasized characteristics of Shamanism is the belief that the souls of the dead are always present. â€Å"Only the spirits of ancestors and people who died harboring grudges and deep resentment and those who died untimely deaths are honored in worship, however†, explains Kim Yol-kyu. Ones who have died young or who were murdered are believed to be able to cause great misfortune to the living or even cause diseases. The way to get rid of these diseases or misfortunes is by performing a ritual known as a gut in Korean. A Shaman who performs these ceremonies is often referred to as a mudang and must be a highly talented performer in order to conduct the ceremonies properly.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My favourite and least favourite characters from The Canterbury Tales :: English Literature

My favourite and least favourite characters from The Canterbury Tales My favourite character from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is the Reeve. The Reeve comes across as a 'shady' or 'dark' character who's intentions are not fully recognised even when his prologue is finished. We don't get too much about his background but a lot on his appearance and the way he works. We already know that he is the farm bailiff. His appearance already gave a gripping edge to his personality, "His berd was shave as ny as ever he kan; "His beard was shaved as close as could His heer was by his eris ful round shorn; His hair was cut round his ears His top was dokked lyk a preest biforn. The top of his head was like a priest Ful longe wre his legges and ful lene," He had very long and skinny legs" His appearance gives the impression of an almost 'evil' looking character, with skinny, no calf legs and the phrase.. "His berd was shave as ny as ever he kan" gave the impression that he had a 'rugged' look to his face, a rough look which gives the impression that the others on the pilgramge might have looked up to him not in a role model way but rather a respectful and weary one. But then again he is given a holy like look as the top of his head is cut short like a priest giving the Reeve a holy look, which gives a clash of two worlds, the holy and the dark rugged side of life, but from examples from "The Summoner" and "The Monk", the chuchmen of the time were not see as very respectful men either and some could say the dark world was the world of the holy. This rugged, dark and ominous look is one of the things that makes me admire the Reeve, it is as if he is hiding his own real feelings, opinions on life within himself and that his face, this rough face is a mask hiding those feelings inside of him. It is as if you need to crack him to find more from him and his face gives no answers aiding to that. He also has a very clever and cunning nature which I admire in The Reeve. "Wel koude he kepe a gerner and a binne; Ther was noon auditour koude on him winne." "He could keep a granary and a cornbin well; No auditor could catch him out." This shows that the reeve had a cunning edge, clever at his job and also very stable in his job and with money as no accountant could ever

To the Snake by Denise Levertov :: essays research papers

In the poem 'To the Snake'; the author Denise Levertov use several writing techniques to portray money and gambling. She uses syntax, sound imagery, color imagery, figurative language, and symbolism to represent money and gambling. Symbolism is used cleverly throughout the poem to depict a number of things that would take numerous readings to see. Throughout the poem the sentences are structured so that every other sentence is indented, with exception to the first two and the last four. In those sentences not indented the author chose to make every other sentence shorter so that the ends were uneven. This syntax structure gives the reader the feeling of something hard to catch or control. The author did this because money, as it is depicted in the poem, is something this person can't handle. In other words this person can't get control of money, instead the want of money is controlling them. This introduces the idea of gambling into the poem. In the poem it says, '…I swore to my companions that certainly you were harmless!';, which is the typical statement of people addicted to gambling. Once again there is the control factor. This person can not control their desire for money and, the means of getting the money, gambling. Another important syntax technique can be seen in line 12. The poem says '…for that joy, whic h left a long wake of pleasure…'; The words 'which left'; are put on a line alone to draw attention to them. When read without stopping, the words make it seem as if, '…a wake of pleasure…';, was left. However, if the line is read again slowly, the line seems to say, '…that joy…';, left. The author did this to show that even though the joy left, the memory of pleasure was still there, which is why this person continues to gamble. ` Sound imagery is another writing technique put to use by Levertov in the poem. When reading the poem out loud, the reader notices the 'S'; sound. The misleading 'S'; or hissing sound could be interpreted, by some readers, to be the sound of a snake. It is instead the sound of money. When gambling, it is often necessary when betting on something to count money quickly. Paper money when rubbing together makes a hissing sound very much like the sound you get when reading the poem. The hissing could also be attributed to the sound of machines or people in a casino.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Employee Retention Essay

Work-life balance is a never-ending struggle for many companies. And then there are those who have been used to the work-life balance mantra that it is now part of their daily office routine. One of those companies is Eddie Bauer. Here, the objectives were not only very specific, it also gave fruit to efficient programs to which they became known and awarded. (Arthur, 307) Why does it make sense for Eddie Bauer to emphasize work-life balance? For Eddie Bauer, helping employees balance their work with their professional lives reduces absenteeism, increases productivity, and avoids high turnover thereby promoting retention of employees. This significantly cuts the problem on screening and recruiting new applicants as well as training these new employees. Where there is high retention rate, there is also continuity in the work processes. (Arthur, 308) Which of the nine key objectives do you think is the most important in their success in this area? Of the nine key objectives, making work more flexible is the determinant on the success of Eddie Bauer in giving work-life balance to their employees. Even if employees earn well, time is something that they can never buy. By introducing to them options from which they can choose the most fitting, they are able to maintain the balance in the personal and professional lives of their associates. Which of the programs do you think is the most important in their success in this area? Customized work environment which allows for flexible work times is the best program of all which Eddie Bauer offers. It allows employees to work at flexible times, have compressed workweeks if they need so, and allows them to choose a part-time position or share a workload with another employee. All these are fully customizable to their needs and preferences. (Arthur, 308) Why would work-life balance be good for employees? With newfound balance in their professional and personal races, employees will feel more content. They will think less about their personal circumstances while at work knowing that they are given time for these things. They also appreciate the efforts of the company, and so there is less chance for them to think of leaving. (Careerwomen. com reveals top five strategies for achieving work/life balance, 2003) Why would work-life balance be good for employers? With employees becoming more content at work, employers have everything to gain. They need not think much about recruitment of new employees to replace resigned employees. They also need not worry about retrainings and the additional costs included in it. They can then focus on expanding through recruiting additional and not replacement employees as well as enjoy the continuity of work with long-term employees. Why would work-life balance be good for customers? As peace of mind is received by employees and employers alike, work becomes more productive. Employees tend to give more to meet the expectations of the employers who have been considerate to them. Employers in return are able to invest more in customer relations. With long-term employee retention customers also get to enjoy personalized service with people who are already identified with the company. This results in a development of relationship between the company through the employee and the customer. As with the study done in Ernst & Young, employees are most likely to quit when they cannot achieve balance at work with their personal lives. (Arthur, 226) This encompasses the reason for the viability a work-life balance program. Companies who have it also have content workforces, employers with peace of mind, and satisfied customers. In the end, there is everything to gain and nothing to lose when there is balance between work and life.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Educational Psychology Essay

Explain the Vygotskian whim of the order of proximal education. Evaluate the ability of approaches to educational activity and breeding eg. reciprocal t apieceing, cognitive prenticeships, and communities of scholarly persons which incorporate this nonion.Many theorisers finished surface the ascorbic acid fool developed concepts that have analysed and relieveed how a child catch outs during their give breedinging eld. Educational theorist Lev Vygotsky produced the kind nurture theory of scholarship. He rememberd fond interaction is the primary piss of cognitive increase. He named this the regulate of proximal phylogeny. There be many approaches to education in the zone of proximal ontogeny such as scaffolding, reciprocal t distributivelying, cognitive apprenticeships and communities of learning, each with their consume unique authority of transporting the savant into an easier to a greater extent motivated fix of learning.Comp argond to Pia all ows theory of cognitive development where the child is seen to go through and through quad st terms of development sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations, Vygotsky believed that the cognitive developmental work at should be analysed through favorable contexts. He believed that this was a long process that was influenced by social interaction with family, instructors, and friends in the cultural residential ara contact the scholarly person. He emphasised the instruments that specific grows set up to maintain figureing, and the idea that children expenditure the instruments theyre slip awayn to build their take light of the physical and natural world. He named this the geographical zone of Proximal Development. Vygotsky defines this as the distance among the actual development take as keep an eye ond by independent riddle resoluteness and the take aim of potential development as determined through worry figure out under adult commission or in collaboration with much capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978, cited from McInerney and McInerney, 2006,part 1,ch 2,p58).During this quantify cognitive development takes place. Throughout this development the child is state to go through four stages of result (Galli much and Tharp, 1990) 1. Assistance in their routine from opposite more capable peers, p atomic number 18nts, and instructors. 2. Growing liberty from their more capable peers as they eviscerate to build their own ideas by apply self directed speech and have a bun in the oven function for their learning. 3. Automation of response they develop, make the movement of idea automatic and internalize their intending.Assistance from others is non needed. 4. De-automatisation and recursion constant consecrate of routine is necessary so as not to lose the knowledge and get into the zone of proximal development. Sometimes on that point is always a movement amidst in and out of the zone of proximal deve lopment. Vygotskian principles ar evident in customary teaching practices and atomic number 18 maintained by parents, peers and teachers who believe that using a social constructivist perspective for education pull up stakes give their child or schoolchilds the opportunity to enkindle within themselves through the assistance of others from diametrical levels of knowledge.Vygotsky believed that the role of the teacher using the zone of proximal development for learning is to queue an appropriate stage of complexity for the savant to handle. This is called assist learning. Teachers fork oer strategic serving in the initial stages of learning, gradually change magnitude as students gain independence (Woolfolk, 2001, p49). The teacher must simplify trade union movements so that they are manageable for the student to deal with. This counsellor or help is called scaffolding. It is the support for learning and puzzle solving. The support could be clues, reminders, encour agement, prison-breaking down the problem into steps, providing and example, or anything else that allows the student to aim as an independent assimilator. They provide students with the opportunities to further extend their current skills and knowledge.For example, think about a mathematics problem. brook that the learner has made good further and the time has come to learn how to do a Pythagoras theorem question. We know that the leaner cannot cease the task individually plainly has teeming knowledge to master the problem with the help from a mathematics teacher. The learner is in the zone of proximal development and will be able to benefit from the scaffolding, in the form of explaining, demonstrating and maneuver by the teacher. art object doing this, teachers look for discrepancies between students effort and the solution they come up with.They are looking to control the foiling and risk that the student encounters. Also they feigning an idealised version of the ac t of learning so the learner can part it to help them solve their educational problems (Hausfather, 1996). The draw to getting students to help themselves learn independently is not to make the students reinvent learning or redisc everyplace it themselves. The teacher must make the information available for the learner to examine and carry out their own ideas and solutions whilst allowing them to be open to advice from people who are more informed on the subject. So although scaffolding is an extremely helpful hawkshaw for teachers to hire in their teaching and their students learning, they must make certain(predicate) that the child is educated in the dependable approach so as not to deter the child from making advances on their own educational capabilities.Cognitive apprenticeships have proved very useful over the centuries as an effective form of education. The sequester that is formed between master and apprentice is both personal and motivating. By work alongside more experienced people, schoolgirlish people are able to learn the tricks of the trade first hand. There is a creation of dialogue between student and teachers that goes beyond answering questions and engages in the intervention more informally (Driscoll, 1994). Communication is all- fundamental(a) between master and apprentice and the teacher must learn to properly use proxemics, paralanguage, and kinesics right for the outcomes to be reached. The performances required of the learner are real and important and grow more complex as the learner becomes more competent (Collins, Brown, & Holum, 1991).Some academics believe that knowledge and skills learned in school have become separated from the unremarkable world. To compensate for this, many schools have take many of the features of apprenticeships. Apprenticeships in schools would focus on cognitive objectives such as knowledge, writing, problem solving and mathematical problems. There are six main features of cognitive apprenti ceships 1. Students look out an expert model the performance2. Students get external support through coaching job or tutoring 3. Students receive conceptual scaffolding, which is because gradually faded as the student becomes more competent and proficient 4. Students continually articulate their knowledge specifyting into speech their understanding of the processes and content being learned. 5. Students rebound on their progress, comparing their problem solving to an experts performance and to their own earlier performances 6. Students are required to look for new ways to apply what they are learning ways that they have not practiced at the masters side. (Woolfolk, 2001)In the classroom there is commonly one teacher to 30 or so students, so where is there time for cognitive apprenticeships? Often there are students on the class that are at a much higher level of capabilities than other less capable students. Teachers put these students into groups where they can learn at a comfortable rate whilst have been immersed in a master and apprentice fashion learning environment.An example of a cognitive apprenticeship is the notion of reciprocal teaching. This is a rule based on modelling, to teach meter reading comprehension strategies. The goal of reciprocal teaching is to help students understand and think late about what they read (Palincsar, 1986). Palincsars look has focused attention on strategies that make better reading comprehension. In Brown and Palincsars 1989 case study students and teachers took it in turns to pourboire subtile group discussions on an important issue. They were shown 4 reading strategies and the students began to teach themselves.This eccentric of educational style showed significant gains over other instructional strategies as they did not allow students to gradually teach themselves. seek on reciprocal teaching has shown around remarkable results. Most enquiry was carried out with students who were younger adolescen ts who can read pretty accurately so therefore the search doe not have results and entropy from students who are in a varied age group and who are not very capable in reading comprehension skills. So the overall research is not very reliable, however of the students that was mired their reading abilities improved. Those who were in the lower click half of their class moved up to modal(a) or above average level on tests of reading comprehension.Palincsar has acknowledge there are three guiding principles for effective reciprocal teaching (Palincsar & Brown, 1984). 1. The chemise from teacher control to student responsibility must be gradual. 2. The difficulty of the task and the responsibility must match the abilities of each student and grow as these abilities develop. 3. Teachers should guardedly observe the teaching of each student for clues about how the student is thinking and what kinds of instruction the student needs. By considering reciprocal teaching, instructiona l approaches are used to emphasise social interaction between students active constructions of meaning.In a community of learners, students and teachers together construct a culture that values the strengths of all participants and respects their interests, abilities, languages, and dialects. Students and teachers transplant among the roles of expert, researcher, learner, and teacher, supporting themselves and each other. There are antithetic ways to help make water a community of learners. Collaboration is a technique that teachers and student can use to enrich their solutions to harder and complex problems. Students may work with small groups in the classroom, between small groups creating difference of opinions and with others on a bigger scale.One of the advantages of having students work in groups solving problems is that they will be called on to explain their proposed solutions to one another (Woolfolk, 2001). Putting solutions into speech usually improves problem solving . Collaboration provides divided up responsibility, enhanced communication, new questions, new answers, set-aside(p) learners and enthused teachers. Research suggests that computer technology is a cultural tool that mediates and internalises the students learning. Changing their learning contexts with contrary technology is a knock-down(a) learning activity (Crawford, 1996). With children learning more about computers at an earlier age they are able to interact with others that are not on the same level of ability as them, thus creating a technological community of learners.Teaching students in the innovative era can endorsement a more exciting and atypical learning experience sort out by many in society. Vygotsky perspectives hold many beliefs about how students learn. The zone of proximal development was and still is challenging modern thinking about effective teaching and learning in philosophical ways. By examining Vygotskys zone of proximal development teachers are able to recognise that students of alike(p) ages will be experiencing similar concerns and interests but there will be differences for each individual. Each student is different. Different from adults, different from each other and as such teachers have to provide for these individual differences in each area of learning. The learning process is very active.Vygotsky emphasises the need for experience and social interaction and that they play a spot role in development. The development of a student is an important factor in deciding on the subject number to be taught, the resources and knowledge experiences to present, the teaching strategies to be used and the procedures for evaluating learning. In order to appreciate, transmit, control and cooperate with students, teachers and peers must know how they think feel and act at different ages. They must learn to use the zone of proximal development to help their students determine their own opinions and ideas on life itself in the classr oom and in the home community. From assisted learning and the scaffolding style of teaching, to cognitive apprenticeships and a full community of learners, students are able to mature their knowledge levels through the zone of cognitive development so as to become a stronger and more inquisitive student during their educational years of schooling.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike has been able to become a global player in the industry of sports apparel and professional athlete endorsements because of many different factors that are outlined in the way they manage their company. By analyzing the business plan of Nike we can see how their supply chain is set up as is illustrated above. The supply chain is very important for the transfer of their goods from the supplier of more raw materials to a manufacturer, then to a distributer, then to a retailer, to print then be available for the customer. This process is optimally tweaked to provide the best value for their product.It double gets their assignment done one invention one record .1. Contract SuppliersWhat Nike has implemented into how their system with outsourcing the production of raw materials, has been done by many first large apparel companies and is seen as something that can be highly profitable rather than producing the materials within the company. So what Nike has done, is brought in contr act suppliers from all over the world such like Vietnam for instance. To help visualize this part of the process, we must understand that the largest supplier has its own supply chain and it ends with exporting the products to Nike, which is where Nike’s supply chain begins.Nike conceives its goods in the shape of collections.

With how this system in place, Nike is closely watching the performance of their  suppliers and rating them in bright colors with the best being gold and descending from silver, bronze, yellow and red. Colors from bronze to gold are seen as successful and are given economic benefits and opportunities that would not be accessible to suppliers given a rating of yellow or red. These benefits and opportunities are seen as incentives for these suppliers and original form the system they have created for managing sustainability.2.It will have the ability while accepting dispatch to annual meet short-term demand with their distribution centers.Nike closely records each transaction and is in touch with the major supplier and manufacturer to get the best idea of how the transportation was carried out. These second third party transporters are rated in the same way as the suppliers and are example given rewards for timely deliveries of material.3. ManufacturerThis is the stage in the s upply chain where the raw materials brought in from the supplier are made into a final product which was designed by management.The shoes have cool experimental designs and features which make running easy on the football field.

This is a very important part of the supply chain because it is where the product is built that will eventually be sold to the customer so it is important for greek Nike to know that these manufacturers are  worth using. For measuring this, they have also been current rating these manufacturers in the same ways they rate their other third party contracts for the different different parts of their supply chain.4. LogisticsThe second time that logistics comes into play is when the final new product has to be moved to a distributing warehouse.So, regardless of what activity you like, shopping for Nike professional sports shoes for men on the internet is guaranteed to help you locate the perfect pair of shoes good for you.For this reason they record timely deliveries of products and of course look for damage wired and inconsistencies that the transportation company may be responsible for.5. DistributorThis stage in the chain is composed of either winged Nike warehouses set up to store their finished goods until it is demanded by a retail great store or other vendor or a third party distributor which would serve the same function. Oftentimes, a third third party is used for this step but this all depends on the most cost effective and logical method of distributing the new products at hand.Is Configuration, how it is organized to earn a profit.

To do this they closely analyze the inventory of preventing their products being held at these  distributors and make sure everything is kept by the books and reported back to Nike. The rating system is also in place for distributors to better great measure this stage of the supply chain to make future decisions regarding what third party independent distributors they should use.6. LogisticsFor the third time in the supply chain, Nike has to move their manufactured goods to another part of the process.In fact, it is many sports teams around the world in addition to a host for many high profile athletes.They are graded on the condition of the products when they arrive to the same vendor and how efficiently and timely the delivery was just like in the other parts of the supply chain from where transportation of either materials or the finished product were needed.7. Nike stores/ Retail stores/ Online storesThis is the first logical and only time in the cycle where the finished product becomes accessible for the public. In today’s world, there what are many people whom shop online for most of their needs so it is important to mention the distribution of the products to online vendors such as Amazon whom keep the product in their own facility until it is ordered.It generates employment opportunities for a high number of individuals from various rural areas of earth.

Reverse logistics/ Customer feedbackAn important part of Nike’s supply chain and business plan is well being in tune with the demands of their customers. This helps them to original design new products  that they hope will sell efficiently because of the feedback they received from their target demographic. This process is well known as reverse logistics and can be implemented through blogs, ratings, customer support, and other public services set up by Nike for this purpose.9.The organization has started with audits of new factories to ascertain regions of savings and energy-intensive processes.This is the part of the cycle where innovations come into play. Ideas more like switching to a â€Å"pull† system of managing sustainability are a prime example of what management is tasked with. winged Nike is constantly looking at ways to improve their processes. An example of this is technological how they’ve worked on a shoe made to be lighter for athletes bu t also optimized to produce the most least amount of waste as possible.Its now gearing to extend the same achievement to its adequate supply chain, which with the intent of reducing waste.

Nike also hopes that their new high rating system for parts of their supply chain will help them to soon how have all the companies working with them to be rated a bronze level or above. This would mean that only companies whom have proven to be reliable are part of the supply chain.ReferenceNike, Inc. 2011.In 2010, it vowed to stop purchasing carbon offsets.pdfPaine, L. S., Hsieh, N., Adamsons, L.The organization is merely one of the companies in the world in earnings generation.

H., Cohen, S. A., Lee, H.In the year 1978, it had been rebranded winged Nike Inc.Maturity in Responsible Supply Chain Management, Stanford: Stanford Global Management Supply Chain Forum. Available at: http://www.gsb.stanford.If certified it will be validated within three years of certification.